Statement Layout

Use the Statement Layout function to set up a financial statement template by specifying the type of information that each statement column includes.

NOTE: It is recommended that you do not edit the existing template layouts. If you see a layout you want to use as a template and edit, make a new layout ID and copy from the template, then edit the new layout.

The default Statement Layout screen will provide you with not only the current column you are working with, but other columns created in an actual view of the statement layout as a whole. Use the Detail button () to open the Statements Layout Detail screen where you can define additional options for a single column.

Creating a Statement Layout

  1. Click the New button, on the toolbar, to open a blank statement layout record.
  2. Enter a new statement layout ID in the Layout ID field. To copy statement layout information from a similar record for a new statement layout, select an existing statement layout record from the Copy From field. This field is only available when creating a new layout.
  3. Enter the name of the statement layout in the Name field.
  4. The Total Width of the statement is displayed in inches. This is an important field to keep track of to determine your paper orientation and size. The total width must be 1 inch smaller than the width of the paper for either the portrait or landscape orientation.
  5. Select a label of A-ZZ for the layout from the Column field.
  6. Enter the heading for the column in the Heading 1, Heading 2, and Heading 3 fields. The length of each line of the column heading is based on the text entered. Use the Heading Properties dialog box from the Statements Layout Detail screen to left-justify, right-justify, or center the heading.
    Note: You can click and drag inserts from the Print Time Inserts section into these fields after clicking the Detail (...) button for the column and clicking the ... button for the applicable heading. See Print Time Inserts for additional information.
  7. Select the Source of what you want to appear in the column.
    Note: Your choice determines your other options. If a field appears unavailable, it cannot be used with the selection you made.
  8. Select the period to put in the column from the As of When field.
  9. Select an option from the How Far Back field depending on what you selected in the As of When field:
  10. Determine whether to select a company from the Company ID field depending on which option you choose below:
    1. To show several companies or account segments in a side-by-side format, select a company ID for each column; do not specify a company ID on the Financial Statements screen.
    2. If the layout you are defining does not show companies and account segments in side-by-side columns, leave this field blank. Then you can produce Financial Statements that uses this layout for any company.
    3. To produce a consolidated statement, leave this field blank and specify a company ID on the Financial Statements screen when you print the statement.
  11. If the column is a calculated column, enter a formula to use in the Formula field.
  12. Enter a format mask to use to display the column values in the Format field. See Setting up Formatting for more information.
  13. Select, if applicable, the scaling factor to decrease currency amounts to the nearest hundred or thousand from the Scaling field. Select no scaling to not use scaling, by 100 to divide by 100, or by 1000 to divide by 1000. NOTE: If you are scaling by 100 or 1000 you must indicate this using the footer in the build statements function to indicate that you are scaling the numbers. There is no automatic text put into the statement indicating there is any scaling.
  14. Select whether to print the column or hide the column from the Print field.
  15. Click the Detail button to open the Statements Layout Detail screen to define existing columns or for entering new column information.
  16. Click the Save button, on the toolbar, to save the new statement layout.

Statements Layout Detail screen

  1. Select a label of A-ZZ for the layout from the Column field.
  2. Select the Source of what you want to appear in the column.
    Note: Your choice determines your other options. If a field appears unavailable, it cannot be used with the selection you made.
  3. Select the period to put in the column from the As of When field.
  4. Select an option from the How Far Back field depending on what you selected in the As of When field:
  5. Determine whether to select a company from the Company ID field depending on which option you choose below:
    1. To show several companies or account segments in a side-by-side format, select a company ID for each column; do not specify a company ID on the Financial Statements screen.
    2. If the layout you are defining does not show companies and account segments in side-by-side columns, leave this field blank. Then you can produce Financial Statements that uses this layout for any company.
    3. To produce a consolidated statement, leave this field blank and specify a company ID on the Financial Statements screen when you print the statement.
  6. Use the Filter box under the Company ID field to filter for the available criteria. Select another Column ID to filter for the next column. See Interactive Views or Using Reports for more details on how to use the filter criteria. See Using Wildcards for more information on wildcards.
  7. Enter the heading for the column in the Heading 1, Heading 2, and Heading 3 fields. The length of each line of the column heading is based on the text entered. Click the ... button for the applicable heading from the Statements Layout Detail screen to use the Heading Properties dialog box to justify the heading or change the font style. Close the screen to save your changes and return to the Statement Layout Detail screen.

    Note: You can click and drag inserts from the Print Time Inserts section into these fields. See Print Time Inserts for additional information.

  8. Enter a format mask to use to display the column values in the Format field. See Setting up Formatting for more information.
  9. Select, if applicable, the scaling factor to decrease currency amounts to the nearest hundred or thousand from the Scaling field.
    Note: Select no scaling to not use scaling, by 100 to divide by 100, or by 1000 to divide by 1000. If you are scaling by 100 or 1000 you must indicate this using the footer in the build statements function to indicate that you are scaling the numbers. There is no automatic text put into the statement indicating there is any scaling.
  10. Select whether to print the column or hide the column from the Print field.
  11. Enter the number of Trailing Spaces after the column.
  12. The Width (in inches) of the column is displayed. This is an important field to keep track of to determine your paper orientation and size. The total width must be 1 inch smaller than the width of the paper for either the portrait or landscape orientation.
  13. The Formula field is available only if the Source is a formula field. If the column is a calculated column, enter a formula for the calculated field using the Type, Operators, and Constants fields.
  14. In the Formula section:

  15. Select Back to delete functions in a formula from right to left, until only the original formula is left.
  16. Select Erase to clear a formula.
  17. In the Type box, select Operators for arithmetic functions: addition (+), subtraction (-), multiplication (*), and division (/). Select Columns to add columns to the formula. Select Totals to work with the nine total fields.
  18. Select a displayed value to enter in the formula. The values that are displayed depend on your selection in the Type field.
  19. Arithmetic operations are performed left to right. You can enter only numbers and symbols that specify the arithmetic operations. You cannot use parentheses.

    For accurate results, multiply before you divide.

  20. Enter a Constant. A constant is a number that has a value you want to remain constant. The number of shares of stock, for example, could be a constant. Pressing the TAB or ENTER key adds the constant to the formula.
  21. Close the detail screen to return to the main statement layout screen.

Editing a Statement Layout

  1. Select a statement layout record to edit from the Layout ID field.
  2. Edit the fields as necessary.
  3. Click the Save button, on the toolbar, to save any changes made to the statement layout record.

Deleting a Statement Layout

  1. Select the statement layout record to delete from the Layout ID field.
  2. Click the Delete button, on the toolbar, to delete the selected statement layout record.
  3. Click Yes at the "Are you sure you want to delete selected record(s)?" prompt.

Produce a Statement Layout List

Use the Statement Layout List function to produce a list of defined statement columns for each layout ID selected.

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